Creating Consignors/Vendors

Learn how to create your consignor/vendor accounts in Rose

1.  Click on the hamburger menu at the top left. 

2. Navigate to "Contracts".

3. Click on "Create" button at the top.

4. Enter Consignor/Vendor's contact info. First name and last name are the two required fields to retrieve s contract number. Note: contract numbers aren't assigned until you save the contract. 

5. Set their default split % if it's different than the default set during on-boarding. 

6. Add any relevant notes about this consignor for yourself or staff in the "Notes" field. This field is not viewable by consignors. Enter any relevant notes or actions taken on this account by staff.

7. If this contract is a vendor and not a consignor, check vendor. If you have the Consignor/Vendor Portal as part of your subscription, making them a vendor will ensure they can edit/create inventory. Otherwise they can see their sales and their inventory but they can't edit inventory.

8. Scroll to the bottom and click on "Save Changes" if everything is correct.

9. After saving, you will be taken back to the Contract screen where you will see the account you created and the contract # created. 

10.  Provide this number to the consignor as that will also be their "password" when login they need to login to the Consignor/Vendor Portal to see their balance due and sold items.

View Creating Contracts Video